7 Good tips for Outstanding Phone Interviews

 Phone interviews are so important in the hiring process. If you don't make a good impression on the phone, the chances of getting invited to an in-person interview will be slim. Here are seven tips for phone interviews that will be successful.

You should choose a quiet place. 

If you're surprised by a call while shopping at the grocery, ask the caller if they can call you back or place them on hold until you find a quiet and private place to talk. Ask the caller if they can schedule an interview at a mutually convenient hour, preferably when you are away from all the noise and can take notes.




Preparation is the same as for an in-person interview. 

It's still a good idea to plan and keep your notes, job description, resume and any other relevant materials close at hand. Recruiters make up the majority of phone interviews. They are looking to see if you meet the job description requirements. Also, they want to know what your salary range is. This is usually something experienced recruiters can determine quickly. Some recruiters would prefer to have a deeper conversation with you. Sometimes, the hiring manager interviews over the phone. In this instance, prepare for an in-person interview.




You should be prepared to answer screening questions. 

Interviewers are looking for red flags. The interviewer is looking for red flags to narrow the pool of candidates and choose the most suitable matches to invite to a face-to-face interview. You'll get questions like:

  • What are you looking for in a job? (Respond positively, no matter how unhappy or frustrated you may be about your situation!)

  • Please tell me about your history. What made you move from here? Always put a positive spin on your reasons for leaving. Discuss your past experiences and how they relate to the current position.

  • What are your strengths/weaknesses?

  • Which was your greatest achievement in your previous job?

  • Which specific projects did you work on?

  • Why are you interested in working for our company?

Engage with great questions. 

But, avoid asking questions that could be interpreted as "it's all just about me." It's best for the interviewer not to mention benefits or money at this stage. These topics might be something you have to discuss during a phone interview. However, they should be left until the hiring process's final and most important stages. The interviewer should see you as a candidate rather than a substitute for your skills or experience. Ask the interviewer what success looks like for this job. Ask the interviewer to list the most important aspects of the job description. Ask the interviewer why they are offering the job. These are good questions to ask during a telephone interview. Listen carefully to what they have to say and take notes if necessary.




Clear communication

Clear communication is key to making a good impression in phone interviews. Keep the mouthpiece close to your lips. Do not chew gum, eat or drink anything, and don't smoke. The phone amplifies sounds - you will hear the sounds of chewing, swallowing and smacking. You won't be able to communicate if you have your mouth full of other activities.




Use the name of your interviewer.

Write it down and use it throughout the conversation. This simple tip will help you build trust with your interviewer. It would help if you were careful not to overdo it. The key word is "occasionally." Using a person's name every time you respond could be unnatural.


The interviewer should hear your smile. Experts suggest that you prop up a mirror in front of you while you're interviewing so you can see yourself clearly and remind yourself to smile. You can also use a post-it note that says "smile" and place it in a spot where you will see it during the interview. You lose the opportunity to express your excitement through facial expressions and eye contact when you are phone interviewing. You only have one way to convey positive energy and express your feelings. Smile more and you'll feel happier.


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